Chapter 01 – Calm Alarm’s sucked. Groaing, I rolled over and pulled myself out of bed. The base’s AI, Ever Vigiliant, or Evi as she was called among the various teams of researchers, mercenaries and soldiers, would end the alarm only once it was apparent I was in my lousy excuse of a uniform. The… Continue reading Unnamed Sci-Fi Mechsuit story
The Kitten’s Gambol
Yang was surprised. Blake never left Gambol Shroud unassembled, especially not on her bed in easy sight of the weapon-loving Ruby. The last time it had happened, Ruby had taken not only Gambol Shroud, she’d even managed to take Ember Celica, Myrtenaster, and all of JNPR’s weapons, and had refused to say where they were,… Continue reading The Kitten’s Gambol
Chapter 6 – It’s all coming together
After conversing with the strange sisters, Weiss excused herself, and asked for where she could find a bed to sleep. “I’d offer you my bed, but I don’t think you could afford it.” The blonde retorted, as a light crimson flooded Weiss’ face. Saving her from more embarrassing remarks, Ruby added “Go up the stairs,… Continue reading Chapter 6 – It’s all coming together