Chapter 1 – H.G.W. – Holy Grail Wrestling, Part 1

While enjoying is time in Chaldea, William Shakespeare was finally starting to get get bored with the daily doldrums of living in the sealed fortress. He’d taken to walking the halls inbetween writing sessions with Anderson, and he was honestly considering just monologuing at the walls. He talked to most of the staff, and while… Continue reading Chapter 1 – H.G.W. – Holy Grail Wrestling, Part 1

Chapter 5 – Children of the Sun and Cosmos

“……….what are these?” Atalantae was….confused, to say the least.She knew cats had a habit of finding isolated spaces and staying there, its literally why she and a few of the solitary servants had their own personal ‘hunting grounds’. …….but strange, winged creatures with bodies seemingly made of the universe shaped into kittens playing in ‘shared’… Continue reading Chapter 5 – Children of the Sun and Cosmos

Chapter 4 – Saberface

“Can Artoria Pendragon please report to the Control Room. I repeat, can Artoria Pendragon please report to the Control Room.” Shirou Tokisada Amakusa sighed, and began to head towards the Control Room.He’d been mainly staying out of everyones way, due to their being no need for Rulers outside of Singularities. But upon hearing the blunder… Continue reading Chapter 4 – Saberface

Chapter 3 – Saintly Matters

“The fuck is this nonsense?”Jeanne D’Arc Alter, the Dragon Witch of Vengeance, the Furious Flames of Chaldea’s Wrath, just wasn’t prepared for the sight that stood outside her room. Before her stood her ‘sister’, the Saint of Orleans, the original Jeanne D’Arc, who had her hands light but firmly holding a young doppelganger of herself… Continue reading Chapter 3 – Saintly Matters

Chapter 2 – The Old Man of Chaldea

“What news do you bring, Hundred Personas?” Hassan of the Cursed Arm asked, sitting around the simple table in Hassan of Serenity’s room.He was curious as to why the multifaceted Hassan had summoned them in such haste.They weren’t of much use for Chaldea outside of the singularities, or the rare chances they are asked to… Continue reading Chapter 2 – The Old Man of Chaldea

Chapter 2 – Dragon’s Wrath

Note: This is largely a back and forth sort of writing thing done between a friend and I. “Dear god, her breasts are huge.”Dr Romani Archaman, didn’t realize the true error of what he had muttered within the hearing range of certain servants, after the final summoning of the Onigashima pseudo-singularity. Da Vinci ignored the… Continue reading Chapter 2 – Dragon’s Wrath

Chapter 1 – Two outta Three ain’t Bad

“Hmm, another of Japan’s Three Great Monsters has graced Chaldea.” Dr Romani mused, concerned about the state of Chaldea’s FATE summoning system. In theory, it should only summon the spirits of Heroes, the greatest examples of humanity, individuals who The World has accepted as objects of worship after their deaths. Yet, the System was summoning… Continue reading Chapter 1 – Two outta Three ain’t Bad