Game Night

Elegg cares for Trony, and wants to help her expand her social skills, if only enough so that she can play games with others.
Unfortunately, she brought her new guests in as Trony was watching an episode of her favourite show with her favourite character and was reciting lines, much to her own horror.
Now, the Commander needs to coax her out of her blankets.

Chapter 1: 1v1 PvP Melee Only
Having arrived last for game night, the Commander is tasked with convincing Trony to leave the blanket nest she is ensconced in. However, Trony has other plans, as the blanket nest allows them both some privacy while their friends set up game night.

Chapter 2: Et tu, Boom?
Maiden is overly physically affectionate when in private, and Trony just complimented how well she was doing in the raid they were playing.
So now Maiden is hugging Trony across the Commander’s lap, and a typically dormant and devilish part of Trony’s personality decides to rear it’s head.

Chapter 3: In the Dungeon of dragons
Elegg has the Commander at her mercy, but can the Imp truly match wits with the devil sleeping beside them?

Chapter 4: Cockout
Exia has certain expectations of her well trained n00b. But with a possessive devil irked by someone strutting around all over her territory, Trony takes matters into her own hands.

Chapter 5: Final Raid Boss
The Commander fulfills the promise of ‘the Sandwich’.