Having sent Stark away on an Errand that will take a while, Fern and Frieren bunk up in town to do some magic studies while they wait. One night, after Frieren does a weird spell on herself that knocks herself out, Fern has free reign of Frieren’s grimoire. Beyond being a carbon copy of Fern’s except with weirder notes, she finds a strange section with her name on it, with notes that make no sense.
Fern performs the spell, and finds out what the purpose of this erotic spell is.
Chapter 1 – Why would Master have such a spell?
Fern discovers a strange spell hidden away in her Master’s Grimoire, a spell that ‘grows’ a mushroom atop her crotch. Fern quickly learns the ‘shroom is essentially a pseudophallus, and she looses herself in this new sensation.
Chapter 2 – This will wake Master up
This is obviously what her Master intended, right?
Chapter 3 – In Progress
Chapter 4 – In Progress