Oh my, what has my other self gotten into now?
The eldest of the Gorgon sisters, Stheno , once known as the ‘ideal woman’ to the people who worshiped her, watched her ‘younger sister’ Euryale from the shadows, as Euryale patiently waited on a nearby bench as if expecting someone.
Unlike Medusa, she allowed her other self total freedom (beyond making sure that She herself was always involved), since it was always more amusing to allow She Who Was Essentially A Mirror Of Herself to roam as she pleased.
But her beloved Euryale hadn’t told her of what she had planned for today, and she had seemed to disappear for hours at a time.
The closest she had ever come to finding Her Other Self during these times was when she walked past the large Asteiros.
Since it had been obvious she wasn’t nearby, she assumed the greek anti-hero just had a similar wave length to her and her sisters.
She was confused when, after teasing the great beast with her Charm-filled smile, he had kept lumbering on. Not quite ignoring her, since the towering man was known as a gentle and polite giant, but not giving her the attention The Smile of the Stheno always gave her from males who were interested in the female form.
And speaking of the towering devil, here he came, slowly rounding the corner, before speeding up upon sighting Her Other Self.
She wasn’t sure what her Other Self was thinking.
While this large beast wasn’t as threatening as their younger Sister had once become, he still towered over most of the staff and Servants, essentially dwarfing her Other Self.
He had stopped upon closing in on her Other Half, but oddly enough he bent down and lowered himself to look her in the eyes.
Stheno got as close as she dared, knowing her Presence Concealment allowed her the edge on her Other Self normally peerless observation skills.
“…..again…….today?” The beast asked haltingly, but kindly.
Unlike most men, who only gazed at their perfect forms, he was easily looking her in the eyes.
“It would definitely please me, my dear Asterios.” The Stheno’s Other Self whispered sweetly.
Both smiled, before the hulking giant shifted, turning his back on her Other Self, before slowly standing and walking back the way he came, her Other Self no longer in sight.
My my. This is new. Wherever did she go? Stheno mused, still feeling her Other Self near the giant, but not being able to find her.
I should follow him, and see if I can figure out this new trick my Other Self has discovered.
Stheno swiftly followed the giant man who felt like her beloved Other Self, making sure to stick to her classes strengths.
Besides, if this new disappearing act was easily repeatable, Stheno wanted to talk to her Other Self about using it more, since nothing would make their lives better than both of them being able to sneak up on their youngest sister.
The large servant was now resting his head on one of the windows overseeing the raging blizzard outside, seeming to enjoy the cool sensation of the glass.
Where did my Other Self disappear to?
This distraction had been amusing at first, but the conundrum of where her sister was despite knowing she was with the large servant was starting to fray at her nerves.
She quietly stalked up to the servant known as Asterios, before quietly clearing her throat.
Asterios looked around, and upon seeing the small Divine Spirit, he knelt down on to his knees to look her in the eyes, much to Stheno’s shock.
So its not just my Other Self he treats like this…..
“……join……sister?” He asked.
Join her?
“Oh, and what would that entail?” she replied sweetly, turning her Charm on fully, seeing how this male would react.
She watched as the Charm hit him in full force, but his eyes never wavered from her own.
As swiftly as she had enthralled him, she dropped the charm. She needed to know what he was like without the effects of Charm colouring it.
The big lug shook himself, apparently unsure of what had happened and dismissing it, before answering her.
“…….riding……inside…….hair.” He stated, before turning half way, bringing his large volumes of hair closer to her, before parting them and showing the sleeping beauty of her Other Self.
Stheno couldn’t help but smile.
How very clever, as expected of you, my Sister.
“……you……join?” The large servant turned back to her, a kind smile on his face.
“Is it okay for me to?” Not often she was so thrown by what was happening that she would actually ask permission instead of just taking what was offered.
Asterios turned his back towards her, and opened his hair to show a spot where she could be close to her Other Self, without disturbing her.
“Well, if you insist. It would be rude of a Goddess like me to refuse such comfort.” Stheno joined her sister in the large Servants hair, before Asterios once again began to explore the labyrinth that was Chaldea, his slow but steady steps lulling the ideal woman to sleep.