Note: A friend helped me write some of this.
“…….the Sage of the Forest wants to do what?” Dr Romani asked the Nameless Archer, who was leaning against a nearby wall.
The Archer sighed, before reiterating, “He asked me to give him control of the mess hall for a few hours, so Servants and Staff could have a makeshift bar.”
Romani wasn’t against the idea per se, since he knew how important drinking and revelry could be for morale, especially in high stress environments.
And while the current Singularity and the potential next few seemed like they would all come quickly, they were noticing a pattern that would atleast allow them to rest, and once rested, the Staff and Servants would probably want to do the aforementioned revelry.
But why was the Wrought Iron Hero so……perturbed by the idea. He’d laid claim to the Mess Hall almost as soon as he’d arrived and seen the state of it.
“You’re guarding your territory.” Dr Romani whispered incredulously, understanding something about the apparent relationship between this Nameless Hero and the Child of Light.
And Romani swore that the Archer’s dark tanned skin flushed a shade of red almost as bright as the armor he wore.
“Hardly. But to make sure the Staff and the Servants are fed, I work in those kitchens tirelessly. There just isn’t time for the Dog of Culann to entertain this frivolous idea he’ll abandon after a few days.”
The Nameless Archer paused, before quietly adding, “Plus, I need that time to make enough food so that everyone AND the Artorias can all feel satisfied with what is prepared, because I remember what she was like back when I knew her.”
A very slight smile quickly flashed across his features, before the hardened mask fell back into place.
Romani raised an eye at that remark, but let it slide.
Somehow, this aberration of a Servant somehow had a personal connection with both the Child of Light, and the King of Britain, whose stories weren’t easily connected in any ways he knew of. A question for another time.
“While I understand the great effort you put into supporting us here at Chaldea, the Mess Hall is for everyone, so if the Sage of the Forest should be allowed to test hi–“
“You called?” Cu Chulainn, the Sage of the Forest, Caster form of the Child of Light, entered the control room.
The hardened mask of the Wrought Iron Hero crumbled, open hostility across his face.
“Begone, mad dog. I have business with the good Doctor, and your presence is neither required or wanted.”
“‘Tis a pity, coz I also have business with Doctor Romani, and I believe it involves you.” He paused for a second, as a sheepish grin crossed his face.
“Oh, and it involves my guest, who also approves of my idea. Mata Hari dear, please come grace us with your presence.”
The door opened again, and it seemed as if the sun itself was shining into the Command Room, such was the sheer radiance and good humor the Assassin exuded.
“Oh, good Doctor, Cu here has the most wonderful idea.”
Cu smiled at Mata Hari and turned back to the doctor.
“Ya see, doc,” the druid said, maintaining his smug smile. “We got to thinkin’ about how much we would like a drink every now and then. And right now, there’s only a couple dozen of us here at Chaldea. But what happens when the Master summons more heroes and such from my neck of the woods. Or even if a singularity happens there.”
Cu spared a quick glance to Emiya and then focused on the Doctor again.
“This is more than just an indulgence. This will help morale ‘n such.”
The colour drained from the Doctor’s face.
Why didn’t Da Vinci and i think of this? Of course Ritsuka could potentially summon other Celts. A group well known for their love of the drink and debauchery.
“Done. I’ll authorize what you need, talk to Da Vinci if anything is missing.” The acting Head of Chaldea stated a bit too quickly, before turning to Emiya.
“And you’ll just have to take it. But in exchange, you can also talk to Da Vinci for anything you might need, and can conscript anyone who is willing to help make it easier for you.”
Emiya didn’t seem happy about the command, but Romani had guessed right in that giving him the extra resources needed to make it easier was enough to get the Wrought Iron Hero to go along with the plan.
Cu gave Emiya a grin as he offered his arm to Mata Hari. Then he escorted her towards the cafeteria, both in high spirits.